Awards 9 of 10

9. John Teale Cup

Services to the club - John Teale Cup

The John Teale Cup started in 1972 for Sportsman of the Year. This changed in 1979 and awarded for services to the club.

2023 - Martin Howe

2022 - Louis Lamb

2021 - Rob Brown

2020 - Null & Void

2019 - Shane Goldrick

2018 - The Ground Crew

2017 - Shane Goldrick

2016 - Kevin Aston

2015 - Oluwaseun Owoseni

2014 - John Peers

2013 - John Forrest

2012 - Bas Kabbani

2011 - Ray Gibson

2010 - The Supporters

2009 - Carl Barratt

2008 - Jim Roberts

2007 - Barbara Pearson

2006 - Jack Smith

2005 - Peter Andrews

2004 - Andy Lee

2003 - Paul Hodnett

2002 - N/A

2001 - Hugh Mullen

2000 - Alan Walker

1999 - Adi Pluck

1998 - Sam Buckley

1997 - Kevin Aston

1996 - Tex Morris

1995 - John Sobierajski

1994 - Fred Phillips

1993 - Stephen Hall

1992 - Dave Marland

1991 - John Walker

1990 - Ray Mallalieu

1989 - Ray Mallalieu

1988 - Sam Buckley

1987 - Tony Hodnett

1986 - Dave Wilcox

1985 - Geoff Sullivan

1984 - Stuart Pearson

1983 - Robert Edwards

1982 - Ray Wright

1981 - Ray Wright

1980 - Dave Maryland

1979 - Sam Buckley

1978 - N/A

1977 - N/A

1976 - N/A

1975 - Brian Barber

1974 - Kevin Aston

1973 - John Neary

1972 - Robert Clinton